Tuesday 18 September 2012

production outlline

production outline

Character List
George - main character part of the group of three nerds
Eddy - main character part of the group of three nerds
Adam - main character part of the group of three nerds
Chloe - attractive popular girl who Eddy wants to date
Jock 1 -
Jock 2
Extras - who are at the party scene

At the beginning of the trailer a shot will show the setting of the high school with the 3 main characters walking through the school. (characters will be wearing 'nerdy attire' which will be funny for the audience)

It will then cut to the production company logo for roughly  and fast paced upbeat music will begin playing (conventional of a teen comedy)

It will then cut to one of the three main characters who is  at home playing COD on his Xbox and wearing a huge set of headphones and is shouting instructions through the microphone. this will be comical as he is talking like hes addressing a real army.

It will then cut to the second main character and shows him at home in his room playing world of war craft, showing an over the shoulder shot of him talking to himself getting animated about the game play .

It will then cut to the third main character who is in a dark room and the scene suggest he is about to get intimate with a girl and is talking aloud.   It then shows silence in the dark for a second before lighting up his light saber and pretending to fight with it. He’s younger brother then walks in and tells him he’s a loser.

A title scene will then appear on screen.

The next scene in the trailer will be show an establishing shot of the main school 'atrium' it will then zoom again  in the atrium to the three nerds walking through, the setting will be a typical school scene however their will be posters on the walls advertising a 'Graduation Party' the nerds then hover around the posters, only for one to be barged by a popular Jock and told to stay away, and not to come. The nerds then discuss about going, and more title scenes appear displaying why they wanna go to the party (one wants to date a popular girls and the other two just want to socially accepted)

After, the atrium scene it will then show them in the dinner hall, eating hot food, then an attractive girl walks past and asks one nerd if he is going to the graduation party, he replies by being really nervous. He then tells his friend that he wants to be with that popular girl. The other two nerds then say they can't be nerds for ever and they want to prove themselves as being popular and want to be accepted. They then discuss how they are going to get drink, one nerd is confident and says he can get, he then rings his mum up and asks, then sends a picture to his friends when he is at home of all the alcohol, they then get excited and are looking forward to the party.
Towards the end of the trailer, it shows the group of nerds doing one shot at one of his.

Then it cuts to when they are outside the party and ring the doorbell, they open the door and the party is full of people drinking, they walk in.

Fast paced editing then occurs, when it shows one of the nerds upstairs with a girl, being thrown on the bed and then cuts to downstairs when the other two nerds and doing shots, the trailer ends when one of the nerds passes out and hits his head on the table. Party music is playing throughout the party scene, fast paced, up beat music playing.

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